The company late yesterday posted a $2.6 million bond to inch closer to stopping the Galaxy Tab 10.1 from being offered for sale, according to Foss Patents, which was first to report the news. The bond was set Tuesday by Judge Lucy Koh, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, who awarded Apple a preliminary injunction against Samsung's tablet.
The posting of bonds is a commonly used technique designed to protect a company that's subject to an
injunction. The money is put up to cover any financial losses a company might incur while its product is not on store shelves if the injunction is eventually overturned. In some cases the bonds can be quite small, as in this instance, or in others their size can soar.
Apple has been trying for years now to get the Galaxy Tab 10.1 banned from sale. The company argues that Samsung has stolen its
tablet ideas, and Apple has chastised its foe, saying earlier this week that "this kind of blatant copying is wrong."
Soon after Apple posted its bond, Samsung responded, according to Foss Patents, requesting that the court stay the injunction pending an appeal to the Federal Circuit court. Koh will soon hear arguments on whether she should grant the stay or deny it.
CNET has contacted both Apple and Samsung for comment on the iPhone maker's latest move. We will update this story when we have more information.
Soon after Apple posted its bond, Samsung responded, according to Foss Patents, requesting that the court stay the injunction pending an appeal to the Federal Circuit court. Koh will soon hear arguments on whether she should grant the stay or deny it.
CNET has contacted both Apple and Samsung for comment on the iPhone maker's latest move. We will update this story when we have more information.
Originally posted at Apple
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