The original Dead Space burst onto the scene earlier this hardware
generation - with its dismemberment mechanics, intricate presentation
and generally tense atmosphere - to fill a growing void within the
hotly-contested survival-horror genre. Since then the series seems to
have veered somewhat toward the action-oriented side of things,
featuring increasingly outrageous boss battles and epic set-pieces.
Visceral Games hopes Dead Space 3 will be a natural evolution of, and
bridge between, these differing styles - introducing co-op, human
enemies and increasingly grandiose moments, while still retaining some
semblance of isolation and exploration.
Dead Space 3 picks up shortly after the events of its predecessor, with
protagonist Isaac Clarke continuing on his quest to unravel the
mysteries of the Marker and the Necromorph menace. Isaac travels to the
frozen planet of Tau Volantis in search of more information on these
rapidly-expanding threats to humanity. He quickly encounters a large
Unitologist presence, alongside some absolutely massive Necromorph
beasts, and expectedly, things take a decided turn for the worse from
there. Visceral is promising that Dead Space 3 will reward the player’s
investment in the series, by shedding light on many of the lingering
questions surrounding the universe, and providing some closure on
Isaac’s long journey.
Arguably, the biggest design change in Dead Space 3 is the introduction
of co-op throughout the campaign. The game will feature two-player
drop-in, drop-out multiplayer, allowing a friend to jump into the fray
online at any time. This announcement was met with some cynicism and
apprehension from long-time survival-horror fans, fearing the change
would eliminate any feeling of tension or isolation.
Dead Space 3 attempts to solve this perceived conflict by, first and
foremost, building the story around the singleplayer experience, then
factoring in a second player when appropriate. For example, cutscenes
will subtly change during co-op play to include a companion character
alongside Isaac. To demonstrate this dynamic, we were shown the same
sequence twice: solo and co-op. Narratively, the change was very minor -
a quick aside from Isaac’s companion here and there. It’s unclear
whether this approach will alter Dead Space 3’s mechanics in any
meaningful way, but it’s certainly a clever compromise.Visceral’s
survival-horror pitch to fans wasn’t exactly reinforced by the
behind-closed-door demo at E3 2012. It was a very action-heavy sequence,
which was meant to highlight Dead Space 3’s new third-person cover
system, human enemy encounters, massive bosses, and so on. While the
level looked very polished and appropriately chaotic, Isaac’s latest
adventure also appeared in danger of straying too close to a Gears of
War or a [Insert sci-fi shooter]. Granted, these impressions could be
the result of E3’s format, wherein developers try to attract as wide an
audience as possible. For now, we’ll have to give Visceral the benefit
of the doubt.
Dead Space 3 is currently slated for a February 2013 release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.